P.O. Box 611
214 Main Street
Point Arena, CA 95468
Phone 707.882.3272 (phone and fax)
Email: info@arenatheater.org
The Arena Theater is maintained and operated for the benefit of the community by the Arena Theater Association, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Board meetings are held twice a month and are always open to the public.
Tim Brooks
Peter Loughran
Susan Crutcher
Molly Morgan
Cornelia Reynolds
Annie Beckett
Jerry Immell
Email Contacts
General Information: info@arenatheater.org
Board of Directors: president@arenatheater.org
Treasurer: treasurer@arenatheater.org
Webmaster: webmaster@arenatheater.org
Tickets: tickets@arenatheater.org
Programming: programming@arenatheater.org
Projectionist: projectionist@arenatheater.org